Lillianna's Place

Friday, December 30, 2005

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve me and my Mom and Dad went to our friends house Debbie and Mark's. We stayed intul 1:00 am! We did karaoke,my Dad went downstairs to play pool,and we of course opened presents. I got some Barbie dolls,a bracelet with jingle bells on it,a necklace with a bell on it,a book called The Little Princess,Build-A-Bear stuff,a game called 20 qestions,and cookies,candy,20 dollars. I think I should be very grateful for all the stuff I got on Christmas Eve.

What was your favorite present on Christmas Eve?

Monday, December 12, 2005

My poem

Here is a poem I wrote with some college students and some friends.

My Classroom

Our teacher and friends are with us. On the wall is the chalkboard, word wall, Flat Stanley,
maps, Native American board, and an Ameircan Flag. We write with pencils and paper.
We sit at our desks in our chairs while doing work. We read books from the bookshelf, do daily activties, do papers, and we listen to Miss L. Our nametags are on are our desks so others can know our name and we can find our seats. Before we go home we get our stuff from our mailboxes, so we can get our homework and get ready to go home.

Here is another poem that we wrote.

I like playing in the snow

Snow forts, sledding, skiing, snow men, ice-skating, snow angels
I like playing in the snow!

I like throwing snowballs.
I like hiding in snow forts.
I like to go sledding on a hill.
I like snowboarding in my friend's backyard.
I like racing in the snow.
I like to catch snowflakes on my tongue.

I like playing in the snow!

This is my one that goes with my name. See how it spells Lillianna down the side?

Loves her family.
Inside she plays war games with toy soldiers.
Likes bike riding.
Likes to garden with her aunt.
Ice cream sundaes is what she likes to eat.
Always asks if she can have dessert.
Now she knows how to do tricks under water.
Never likes to clean her room.
After lunch she goes to recess.

What do you think?